Friday, November 25, 2011


Wal-mart customers go crazy and get away. Occupy protesters are peaceful and get the shit beat out of them. What is wrong with this scenario?
For some reason, I can't seem to understand the way our country works. I mean, I know why things happen the way they do, but do they really make sense? Black Friday seems to create a "mob mentality" within the crowd. Security and police forces are far out numbered. Now, police are also out numbered by the Occupy protesters, but it is a different situation.
Occupiers are peaceful and oppose many things the government and banks have done, or failed to do. Police and the government see them as a threat and want to get rid of them while quieting them in the process. They do not like it when people take a stand! Especially when they stand-up against the current system! What happened to our right to a peaceful protest?
Wal-mart shoppers, on the other hand, may be your average "working class" people. But when it comes to "saving" MONEY, they flip-a-switch. Before I continue, I would like to say that Wal-mart is not the only store where this happens, but it sure is at the forefront. Instances of pepper-spraying for an X-box, shooting people for who knows what reason and rushing-in, or "busting the door," as soon as the store opens are a few of the recent occurrences. Money, money, money is what it all comes down to.
And where are the police where all this happens? Sitting at their post? Trying to keep the peace? I don't know, but they sure don't act like they do towards protesters.
In my opinion, police should be allowed to use force towards Black Friday shoppers if they get out of hand. After all, they do have a motive and they do act out violently. Authorities should also use the same tactics to control violent Black Friday mobs as they do against students and peaceful protesters.
I'm not saying the police are all at fault. However, they do need to assume some responsibility since their employees, that the public pays, are using excessive force against generally peaceful people.
Maybe it's time we start to question things and take a deeper look at the world and society we live in. Maybe your eyes will be opened up to how deep and complex this problem is. Maybe you'll realize that there is more to the world than money, shopping and the latest fashion.
Or maybe it will overwhelm you, possibly scare you. After all, avoiding a problem is always easier. Maybe your eyes won't be open and they'll just stay closed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

10 Things I'd like to see

With the recent news that MLB and Frank McCourt have agreed to sell the Dodgers, I couldn't help but now think that maybe one day I will get to see my beloved Los Angeles Dodgers win a World Series. With this thought, other things I would like to see happen came into my mind.

I've decided to give you a list of 10 things I would like to see in my life-time.

1. The Dodgers win a World Series- The last time the prestigious Los Angeles Dodgers won a World Series Title was in 1988, roughly about six months before I was brought into this world. Since, they have only reached the postseason six times. Of those six, they only won two NL Division Series' and lost both NL Championship Series'. Not the Dodgers my parents and grandparents knew. Not only would I love to see the Dodgers once again be crowned World Champions, but I would also like to be in attendance, for at least one home game.

2. USA win a World Cup Final- The Yankees that I'll cheer for. The USA Men's National Team is considered an up-and-coming force in the world of football (soccer). Although they are still a ways-away from actually winning a World Cup, I would still like to see it. First though, we need to make it past the first round of the knock-out stage. Russia anyone?

3. Attend a World Cup Final- I have my mind set on Rio 2014 for this one. With the world-famous Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janiero is set to host the 2014 World Cup Final. Where better to watch a WCF then in the world's most football (soccer) crazed country in the world. Now what I don't know is if I want to see a Uruguay-Brazil 1950-style final where the home side is muted and up-set, or a final where the home side wins a hard fought match on home soil and the crowd goes into a wild party? Hmm..

4. A Latino become President of the United States- Straight-up, we need some Latin blood in the White House. Without getting into all the other problems with our system, I would just like to say, I would like to see that happen.

5. Marijuana become legal- There is really no good reason that I've heard for it not to be legal. It's that simple.

6. An Alien- I don't know this for a fact, but I'm pretty positive that there are other life forms out there in the vast amounts of space. I think it would be cool to see some. Unless it's like some Independence Day stuff, I don't want to see that.

7. The violence in Mexico to subdue- Never having been to Mexico, right now is not the time to go. All the violence is giving the beautiful land and culture a very bad image. Colombia went through their drug cartel period and claims to overcome most of the problem. I know Mexico can do the same.

8. Los Angeles with an efficient public transportation system- As spread-out as the city is, I don't know how this would be achieved, but I know that it can. If there was some way to connect the many cities that lie within it's county borders, I would love this city even more. I'm sure there are ways to do it but the oil companies don't want that to happen. Oh my, what else is new?

9. Long Beach regain a music scene- I may be young with only 22 years of age, but I remember when Long Beach had a thriving music scene. With venues like the Rhythm Lounge, Blue Cafe and the Vault 350, just to name a few, Long Beach was a haven for good bands to play. Now-a-days, Alex's Bar hosts the best shows around and they aren't even that often. However in Long Beach, music isn't the only thing that's leaving. I feel the city is slowly deteriorating.

10. Meet Henry Rollins- So this one is a little different than the others on the list, but nonetheless, I would love to meet Henry Rollins. For those who don't know who he is, let me tell you. He fronted So-Cal punk band Black Flag from 1981-1986. He is a writer, radio DJ, comedian, actor and all-around badass. His spoken word is awesome and I suggest you listen to him. He is a unique, inspiring and brilliantly smart mind. More can be discovered about him here.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Quick snap

This upcoming January I will be embarking on a four month-long journey; Studying abroad in Valencia, Spain. The adventures and mishaps are just a few of the things I am thrilled to bring you, along with the photos, videos, links and more.

However, until I depart, I am going to post some stuff that is going on within the Long Beach and surrounding communities as well as some other writings, pictures, links and other fun stuff. Stay posted for the days to come. I will see you shortly!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Only the Beginning

My name is Rudy Madrigal and I am a native of Southern California (Lakewood to be exact). I am a photographer, aspiring writer, traveler, future filmmaker, Radio show host and a modern day renaissance man. My topics will range from sports, music, movies, articles, politics, local events and whatever else is at the forefront of my noggin. I am new to the "blogsphere" and ready to try it out. I hope you choose to follow me and enjoy the content that will be discussed in the future. Stay tuned for the next few days when I really begin to get this going. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy.

Stay Up, Stay Irie, Stay Positive

Rudy Madrigal